Worship Times

Join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 11 a.m.

Weekly Email

Each Friday we send out important information about events that will be happening at MCC Knoxville during the coming week.


Contact Us

Metropolitan Community Church of Knoxville

7820 Redeemer Lane
Knoxville, TN 37919

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone (865) 531-2539

Serving the LGBTQ+ & Straight communities of Knoxville & East TN!

All are welcome to worship with us each Sunday at 11:00 AM Eastern time. Join us...

Onsite: 7820 Redeemer Lane, Knoxville, TN 37919 Directions

On Zoom: Register for your personal Zoom link (one time only) here:

On Facebook Live: www.facebook.com/MCCKnoxville/live_videos

On YouTube Live: www.youtube.com/@mccknoxville/streams

By Phone: Register through Zoom to receive the info you need.

Visit our Virtual Services page for full instructions on how to join us online.

Our Upcoming Events


This series will guide our worship September 8th – October 13th. No doubt you will agree that our country and our world could use more kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love. What great themes to consider as we approach an election!


Please use your preferred method to give. We want it to be easy and convenient for you. Giving is a blessing for the giver and receiver. We thank you for your support of this church.

If you tend to give weekly, twice a month, or monthly, consider setting up a recurring gift. Set it up one time and it’s done. Recurring gifts are very helpful to the church’s cash flow.

Your options:

  • Cash or check in the offering plate
  • Mail a check to 7820 Redeemer Lane, Knoxville, TN 37919
  • Set it up through your bank using auto bill pay. They will mail us your check.
  • Donate through the website: www.MCCKnoxville.org/donate
  • Text2Give number at 865-509-9980

For all online or text2give donors, you will need to set-up your account on your first use of the system. It’s fast and easy! Use the drop-down menus to choose General Fund or another fund and a one-time gift or recurring gift. Let us know if you have any difficulty. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Food Pantry thanks all those who have made financial donations to the Food Pantry and those who have brought in food items! The financial donations allow us to purchase food from Second Harvest at a significantly reduced price. There are a few items we cannot get from Second Harvest, so we remain in need of pinto beans, turnip greens, and spaghetti sauce. Your donations in-kind help offset the expense of purchasing these items from the regular grocery store thus helping our funds go further. Please donate if you can.

Homosexuality and the Bible – Online, On-Demand Learning

Through Mobilizing Love Ministries, Rev. Colleen Darraugh now offers a 10-session online, self-paced course: Homosexuality and the Bible: Does the Bible Really Condemn Homosexuality?

The course is $15, however, for a limited time, there is a discount coupon code FREEMCC which makes this course free for you! Check it out. If you wish to support this outreach, don’t use the code (wink, wink).


Tuesday Discussion Group (Online)
Tuesdays at Noon Eastern
Location: Zoom

Join our discussion group on Tuesdays at Noon (Eastern). No advanced reading is required. .

If you have not previously participated in these groups, or have in the past, consider joining us for these 6 weeks. Use this time to anchor yourself in these spiritual values even while so much is stirred up by the world around us.

Tuesday Noon Eastern
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88963765176?pwd=VGF4bjdNeGJpWitwYWN4MXlzeWtjZz09
Meeting ID: 889 6376 5176
Passcode: 173772

Color, Chat, and Chill (In Person)
Friday, September 13th at 1:00 PM Eastern
Location: MCC Knoxville

Join us for Adult Coloring at MCC Knoxville on the second Friday of each month at 1:00 PM.

Enjoy adult coloring while you relax and chat. You can bring your own supplies, but there are always plenty of coloring options to share.

PB&J Sandwich Making Party (In Person)
Sunday, September 22nd at ~12:30 PM Eastern
Location: MCC Knoxville

Join the Knoxville Rainbow Library on the 4th Sunday of each month immediately after church to make sandwiches for our unhoused neighbors in South Knoxville.

Mark your calendars for September 22, October 27, November 24

Friday Night Game Night (In Person)
Friday, October 25th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Eastern
Location: MCC Knoxville

This month at MCC Knoxville, the Friday Night Game Night gang will be playing the group trivia game "2000's Trivia".

Join us on Friday, October 25th at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to join in the fun and fellowship. Invite a friend. Admission is free. Bring a snack to share if you would like.

Fall Congregational Forum and Meeting (In Person and Online)
Forum: Sunday, November 10th at about 12:20 PM Eastern
Meeting: Sunday, November 17th at about 12:20 PM Eastern
Location: MCC Knoxville and Zoom

A Congregational Forum will be held Sunday, November 10th after our worship service and a short break (at about 12:20 PM). The Forum is to help us all prepare for the Fall Congregational Meeting to be held the following week. Everyone will have ample opportunity to ask their questions in a less formal setting. All are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate.

We will be discussing proposed changes to our local church bylaws that are related to the membership process. We will also discuss our 2025 Operating Budget.

Reports from the Board, Treasurer, Pastor, and Lay Delegate will be available online and onsite ahead of the Forum. Please review the reports and documents prior to this meeting and have your questions ready. They will be on the Documents page of our website (www.mccknoxville.org/documents) by Friday, November 1st.

For those online, since the Forum immediately follows our Sunday worship service, please remain in the regular Zoom Virtual Worship meeting. If you don't usually attend virtual worship on Zoom, you may register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5Ysf-6gqzst116c1dYPvxfVDO0tUCP5Ow to receive the meeting link.

Our Fall Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, November 17th immediately after our worship service and a short break (at about 12:20 PM Eastern). Everyone is welcome, but members are especially encouraged to attend. Members have voice and vote. Attendees may have voice but no vote. This meeting will be held onsite and on Zoom.

The Agenda includes:

  • Approval of the minutes of the last congregational meeting
  • Approval of our 2025 Operating Budget
  • Approval of a proposed amendment to our local bylaws related to our membership processes.
  • Reception of reports from the Board, Treasurer, Pastor, and Lay Delegate. These will be available on our website under Documents.

The link for the Congregational Meeting (not Forum) is different than for Worship. You do not need to pre-register.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83986162593?pwd=Vzd3a2FDWXBvSG83V25xa1dYOGp5QT09
Meeting ID: 839 8616 2593
Passcode: 654321

Monthly Board Meeting (Online)
Thursday, November 14th at 6:30 PM Eastern
Location: Zoom

Our monthly Board meetings are typically held on the second Thursday of the month. They are open for our members to attend.

Our monthly Board Meetings are held virtually. You can join them by using the following Zoom link:

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/93963675351?pwd=WG1LS1c0QWlzem5ZekgwaWNPdnpPZz09
Meeting ID: 939 6367 5351
Passcode: Genesis

Zoom phone number: 646-558-8656  (passcode 429791 followed by #)

CANCELLED Out and About - Townsend Fall Heritage Festival (In Person)
Saturday, September 28th at 11:00 AM Eastern
Location: Townsend Event Center (next to the Visitor Center) - 7930 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway


The foothills of the Smoky Mountains come to life with Bluegrass music, arts and crafts, time honored traditions and Appalachian cooking at the Townsend Fall Heritage Festival, on Saturday, Sep 28th from 10am – 6pm. This festival centers around traditional and contemporary Bluegrass and mountain music, along with clogging and square dancing, art and craft booths, numerous Appalachian demonstrations and a variety of good Southern food. There will be approximately 60 arts and crafts vendors and 11 food trucks. There is a large variety of delicious foods. Something for everyone.

Admission is free, however, there is a $10 parking fee, which supports the local fire department. Recommend bringing a chair to chill out, all while listening to some bluegrass, eating, and hanging out with friends. Stay as long as you want.

Meeting up at 11:00 near the stage. Call or text Linda at (865) 567-3723 once you arrive and we will find you.


A Community of Faith

MCC Knoxville is a Christian Church serving the gay male, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight communities of Knoxville and East Tennessee

We come together from a rich variety of religious experiences and denominational backgrounds, seeking to:

Celebrate God manifested in every single person 

Model Christ and share God’s immutable love

Be God’s hands, feet, and voice sharing the story of Love

We offer our experience and our love -- we share our stories and our journeys -- to encourage and uplift the transgendered, bisexual, gay and lesbian communities of Knoxville and the entire East Tennessee area.  We welcome all to join us, regardless of denomination or background.



Join Us!

We invite you to attend any of our functions.  Come as you are.  Sunday worship services are at 11 a.m.  You may reach us during office hours by phone - (865) 531-2539, by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or through the other methods listed on our Contact Us page.

Communal memory takes shape when we share our stories. In those stories is our longing and yearning for peace, for love, for acceptance, for freedom, equality and justice. In those yearnings is a search for the truth of Spirit.

If you are looking for a spiritual home, come visit us here at Metropolitan Community Church at Knoxville and listen to the voice of the Holy speak to you through the voices of diversity, community, social justice and prayer. We welcome people of many beliefs and backgrounds into the holy space of worship, and pray that you will find justice and peace wherever Spirit leads you.



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